• Improve size and strength
  • Increase nitrogen retention
  • Enhancement metabolic activity
  • Superior fat loss
Chemical name






Testosterone Cypionate is a long acting and slow release synthetic, injectable variant of testosterone. Testosterone is the primary male hormone and a powerful, naturally occurring androgen. Testosterone Cypionate 300 is well known for its ability to return enormous increases in strength and muscle mass.

Testosterone c300 is the perfect choice for both a first time or experienced user and is a strong platform to base any mass building cycle upon. Testosterone c300 is a very effective and safe hormone and is often prescribed by doctors when testosterone replacement therapy is needed.

Testosterone Cypionate forces changes in the muscle fiber relative to size, shape, amount and even design. It is considered to be the “father” of all anabolic steroids and is the dominant bulking agent used by athletes and bodybuilders today. Testosterone Cypionate 300 is undoubtedly one of the most powerful mass building drugs ever created.

Powerful And Effective With Long Lasting Benefits

Testosterone Cypionate is responsible for the secondary male characteristics and sexual traits. Therefore, the benefits of creating optimal testosterone levels include improved libido, more efficient fat loss, greatly improved muscle mass, increased bone density, protection against heart disease and much, much more.

It’s overall effect on the male body is nothing short of spectacular!

The cypionate ester makes Testosterone C300 a long-acting form of testosterone. Peak plasma levels are reached with 1-2 days of administration and maintained for 12 days. It tapers off completely after approximately 3 weeks.

Powerful Mass Gainer

Testosterone Cypionate is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it the quintessential steroid for any athlete seeking enormous improvements in size and strength. It promotes nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, increasing anabolic activity and muscle growth. Furthermore, Testosterone c300 increases the levels of another hormone, IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) to put the body into a perfect anabolic state.

Testosterone Cypionate also plays a major role revolving around creatine. Creatine is essential in the manufacture of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is the main source of energy for muscles. Testosterone c300 increases ATP production making the muscles stronger and increasing their overall aerobic capability.

Biomedic Pharma – Testosterone C300 

Biomedic Pharma – Testosterone C300 

Biomedic Pharma – Testosterone C300