• Impressive mass builder
  • Improve strength and performance
  • The oldest and most trusted testosterone
Chemical name

(17β)-3-Oxoandrost-4-en-17-yl propionate





Testosterone propionate was the first synthetic form of testosterone made available for commercial use has since become one of the most popular. It’s simply a “pure” way to add testosterone. However it is very powerful and effective and very easy to understand how it works.


Although testosterone is a versatile hormone, the propionate version is fast acting and short lived due to its nature. It is maybe the most controllable testosterone available with stability. Its peak level is easy to control and very efficient.

The Best Of Testosterone & Propionate Combined

Testosterone is a hormone naturally produced by the body and necessary to ensure optimal function of the endocrine system.  It increases nitrogen retention allowing for added protein synthesis which in turn promotes greater muscle mass. As a result of this process, lean tissue improves metabolic activity leading to an overall reduction in body fat.

Testosterone Propionate Enhances Overall Health And Performance

The benefits of Testosterone P100 are incredible and everybody who is interested by the effects of steroids would enjoy it. It can be used for bulking or cutting phases and it enhances performance in any field. It improves: muscle strength and endurance, muscle mass and lean tissue mass, metabolic rate, fat loss and overall healing and recovery.

Biomedic Pharma – Testosterone P100 

Biomedic Pharma – Testosterone P100 

Biomedic Pharma – Testosterone P100